Sister, mom, aunt, grandma
Cousin, friend, neighbor, in-law
Gladys Manthei fit them all
Now she’s heard the final Call
Aggressive cancer
There was no answer
Left us wondering
What’s the meaning
To cause such great pain
How could He gain
From taking her up
Away from us
But that’s where we stumble
For we are not humble
It is not right
That we should lose sight
For Jesus has taught
The way that we ought
To come before Him
Confessing our sin
Our Father in heaven
YOUR kingdom come
YOUR will be done
This is true comfort
That God has the reigns
When we are troubled
He tells us to pray
Now that she’s gone
We will go on
Not by ignoring
Nor by forgetting
The only way to
See this life through
Is to know Jesus Christ
The only one who
Gave up his life
For me and for you.