Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My Memory of Pat

A sweet lady from my church died in a car accident last night. Since I grew up in this church, I have many fond memories of her. The theme through out all of them, and what I will always remember her for, are her hugs and kisses. I always enjoyed getting a hug from her followed by a kiss on the cheek. (The funny part is that I always had lipstick on my cheek after her kisses. I thought of it as a love token from Pat. I will forever miss those kisses.)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Grandpa's Joke - He sure is a funny man!

What does the Lone Range say when he take out the trash?

To-da-dump, to-da-dump, To-da-dump, dump, dump (ascending)

To-da-dump, To-da-dump, To-da-dump, dump dump (descending).

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Eric's give-away shirt total: 57!!!

The amazing thing is that he still has 2 drawers full of shirts.

Just Because

I ran across these pictures of my pups. The white one is Aspen and the Aussie is Lacey. I love these crazy girls. This was their first time at the lake. Now we can't keep them out of water.

Cleaning House

Every Saturday morning I watch at least one episode of Clean Sweep on TLC. I love this show. I love the feeling of getting rid of a bunch of unused clutter. Well, this morning I made Eric watch the show with me and then I piled all of his shirts on the bed and made him sort them into keep and give away piles. Sadly, it wasn't quite as exciting as the show, but it was very productive. I am very proud of my husband for humoring me. (I did say he could buy 1 new shirt for every 5 shirts he gets rid of. Marriage is about compromise!)

Here are a few pictures to show his good work:

Here is the give-away pile.

He still has some work to do...

On a side note: I have gained some weight since I got married, so I don't fit in almost anything that I had before the wedding. (I can still wear the things with elastic.) Well, we saved up enough money for me to go buy some more clothes, so I cleaned out my drawers, too. Here is my pile of clothes I am giving away. It is sad to see my skinny clothes leave, but there is no hope of ever fitting in them again...

Thursday, October 4, 2007


I have decided that windows equal happiness. I work in an office without a window. There is no way to know if it is raining, sunny, snowing. I am not getting any vitamin D or UV rays. I think tomorrow I might bring a chainsaw and make a sky light. Do you think I need to get that approved by administration first?