Sunday, December 30, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007
Quick Update
Theresa: One more final on Tuesday...and then FREEDOM...until next semester. I think I am going to read a book for FUN!
Eric: One more final on Tuesday and then off on a week long bowling trip in Las Vegas. This is why I will have time to read a book.
Helen: GRADUATES on Saturday. WOOHOO! and her husband, Matt, will be returning from Iraq in February! She is going to have a pretty exciting couple fo months. Well...they will actually be pretty hard since she has nothing to do but sit and wait for Matt...but she is pretty excited about doing that, too. If anybody has an entertainment for her let me know (aka baby sitting, cleaning house, walking dogs, etc.) She is super sweet and will be staying with me while Eric is gone. Maybe she will get bored enough to clean my apartment?!?
Friday, November 30, 2007
Oh, Christmas Tree!

Saturday, November 17, 2007
Why I am Content (In a stressed sort of way)
- Eric is finally starting to feel better (Thank you for the prayers.)
- I made pop-overs and they were good.
- I am listening to the rain outside my window
- There is chicken baking in the oven
And the most important reason
- I may have a TON to do and only one week to do it, but my God who loves me made the world in one week...and I don't have nearly that much on my to-do list.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Flu Blues
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Arkansas Here we Come!

Friday, November 2, 2007
Still Craziness
I have finally stored up enough PTO time to take off of work! We get to go away for a few days over the school break. We are having the hardest time deciding were to go. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. We have 4.5days to get there, do something, and get back. Any suggestions?
Joke of the Day:
What does a monkey say when it sees a good-lookin' girl?
Bab-boon, Bab-boon, Bab-boon, Bab-boon
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
My Memory of Pat

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Grandpa's Joke - He sure is a funny man!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
The amazing thing is that he still has 2 drawers full of shirts.
Just Because

Cleaning House
Here are a few pictures to show his good work:
Here is the give-away pile.
He still has some work to do...
On a side note: I have gained some weight since I got married, so I don't fit in almost anything that I had before the wedding. (I can still wear the things with elastic.) Well, we saved up enough money for me to go buy some more clothes, so I cleaned out my drawers, too. Here is my pile of clothes I am giving away. It is sad to see my skinny clothes leave, but there is no hope of ever fitting in them again...
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Answer to Prayer
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Saturday, September 8, 2007
The Sweetest Things
Friday, August 31, 2007
This is Eric's first semester as an Ag Economics graduate student! WHOOP! He is currently taking 9 hours of classes. He is also working at Best Buy and Double Daves. His classes are during the day, so he works most evenings.
I am in my second semester as a Health Education graduate student. I am taking 9 hours of classes as well. I am taking one on-line class and two classes on campus. I am really enjoying the interaction I get through a "real" class as opposed to all the online classes I took this summer. I am also working 40 hours a week at Scott & White. (Both of my on-campus classes are at night, Monday and Tuesday nights.)
Needless to say that we are really busy. This is also bringing a lot of stress and separation to our relationship. Please pray for us. We only see each other late at night (when I am at my worst). Hopefully, next semester Eric will be able to get an Assistantship on campus and be able to work and take classes during the day. This would free up his evenings to spend at home. Mean while, we need all the prayer and friendly support we can get. This too will pass...
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Eric made the news!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Eric's 1st Post
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
National Champions!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
The New Vibe
Friday, July 13, 2007
One Month!
- It takes about 10 different programs to get one task done.
- The real world waste a lot of paper
- I don't know how to transfer people on the phone, even if I do exactly what my supervisor showed me
- Even important computer people don't always know why a computer is broken
- You must dial the 979 area code to get to Brenham
- The ladies I work with have a bunch of crazy stories.
We will have to see what I learn in the next month...
Thursday, June 21, 2007
$5 Books
Monday, June 18, 2007
In Loving Memory of Macey

I now have a step-sister named Teresa. (Jim's son Wayne is married to a Teresa.) And of course, she has a wonderful personality and a wonderful name.
The weirdest yet. One of my office mates is named Teresa. There are only three of us in the Coumadin Clinic and two of us are named Theresa (or Teresa). This isn't even the weird part. We are both have the middle name Lynn. Neither of us had nicknames and the only difference in our names is the "h" (and our last names), so it took us a couple of days to figure out how to decipher between us. I am now Theresa Lynn. She has bad memories of her mom calling her by her middle name, so I got the middle name too.
Oh yeah, her birthday is June 7 and mine is June 3. How weird is that?
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Another Interview....
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Job Update...
Interview 1: Exit Teen Center The interview stopped for me when she asked me "What would you do with a room full of 40 teenagers with nothing to do?" I had to bite my tongue to keep me from saying "quit my job." It was only a low paying seasonal job anyways. I never heard back from them.
Interview 2: TAMU Admissions I thought the one hour interview went well. Although, I could tell that they were looking for someone who was more "settled" than I was. I didn't hear back from them, so I called them and they said they found someone else and that I should have received a letter. I received it about 3 days after calling them (oopsy to whoever was supposed to send those!)
(I forget the order after this, but you get the drift...)
Interview 3: College of Agriculture Decent interview, but I could tell they were looking for someone older. She called and told me they found someone else.
Interview 4: Scott and White This was for a patient educator position, but S&W does not know the definition of "patient educator." They want a nurses aid. There was no education involved. Very disappointing. They called to say they found someone else, but will pass my resume on.
Interview 5: ??? I forgot what this company was called, but they advertised for an office assistant but really wanted a bookkeeper. Umm...not me. She never called back.
Interview 6: TAMU Library This interview went really well. It is not in my field, but I have always dreamed of being a librarian since I was a kid. They are very flexible, which would be great for grad school. And they actually pay you to go to three hours of class. AMAZING! I should hear back from them late next week. I am actually crossing my fingers on this one.
Interview 7: Scott and White (Again) They passed on my resume to pediatrics. Again...they don't know the definition of "patient educator." What they want is someone to poke babies with needles (immunizations). No education involved.
Interview 8: Brazos Valley Rape Crisis Center I have this interview tomorrow. It is for the position of education prevention coordinator. This sounds good, but as well found out, people have weird definitions. This position is part-time (30 hours a week), so that would be good for grad school. Plus...I would be making the world better. Pray for this one! To be continued...
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
More Interviews...no Calls
I am still trying to be patient for God's timing with a job. Sometime I am weak and start to get upset about not having a job yet. I have to keep reminding myself that God has something great planned that will come and the best time. It still is hard to be patient.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Painting is OVER
Also, my interview went well today. It was for the department of Admissions. It seemed like reasonable work. There is a patient educator job open at Scott and White. That would be my dream job. I am hoping and praying that is the job that God wants me to have. Who knows. My will is not always Hiswill, but Hiswill and timing is always right!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Which is a good thing because I actually got calls from two different people to schedule an interview. One interview is with the Exit Teen Center and the other is with Admissions at TAMU. Exit Teen Center is like a YMCA run by the city, I guess. I am interviewing for a program coordinator position. This one would be the best experience for what I want to do later in life. The other position is for clerical work with the office of Admissions. I would be the front line person for all the angry parents with rejected kids. Not much experience there, but better pay and benefits. I guess we will see how the interviews go. I am still applying for a few more graduate assistantships that pop up. I really want one of those, but God knows what is best. Keep praying!
Monday, April 30, 2007
O Where is my jo-ob. O where is my jo-ob...
Still looking for a job. I just got my fee statement for the summer and now we are really praying for a job. Those McDonald's employment commercials are starting to look more appealing. Too bad I watched Super Size Me last night and in my hate Mc Donald's mood right now. Well, until I want a $1 Sundae.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Job Woes
There is the big question of whether I should find a part-time or full-time job. If I went part-time, I could get out of grad school faster, but I would not be making very much money. If I went full-time, it would take longer to get out of grad school, but I would be making more money. The ideal job would be a graduate assistantship through the University, but all my contacts have fallen through and I cannot find one. This would be a part-time job with benefits and my tuition paid. That would be nice. ...but right now, I don't really have a choice because there are no offers!
Due to the lack of job and the impending end of my internship, I decided to paint my grandfather's house. I love painting. It is relaxing for me. Last summer I painted the windows at my mother's house, so I have some experience. The inside of my grandfather's house has not been painted in some 25 years, so I expect to see great improvement when I am done. This is why I like painting. He has chosen a color, Cool White, which is a very, very, very light green. He wanted something almost white but with a color in it. I was a little worried about the color, but it looks good.
Eric and I prepped the back bedroom on Friday and I started painting on Saturday. I finished the entire room!!!! Painting was the easy part, I don't think the furniture in that room had been moved in 25 years. Use your imagination...
Now I am starting to believe that God hasn't given me a job yet because he wants me to finish this job. It looks like it might take me one or two weeks. Half of the house has paneling on the walls, so it isn't has bad as it sounds. Maybe I should just become a painter with a bachelor's degree in health education.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
My Internship
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Wedding Pictures
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
The Apartment

Here is the kitchen. I wouldn't have enough room if I didn't have the pot rack.
Here is our hallway. The bathroom is on the left and the bedroom is on the right.
Sunday, January 7, 2007
The Honeymoon

This is the view from the cabin. This was taken on Thursday. On Wednesday, all you could see is rain.

Saturday, January 6, 2007
1 Week of Marriage