Sunday, December 30, 2007

Our 1 Year Anniversary!


Joshua Butcher said...

Happy Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Manthei!!

Brian Franklin said...

Happy Anniversary! We'll share in celebration with you tomorrow!

Kierstyn said...

Happy anniversary! I thought of you guys today. Congrats on making it through your first year of wedded bliss!

We were out today, celebrating our anniversary, and someone asked us how long we had been married. I asked them to guess. They guess one year! :-) Not quite....

Helen said...

Aww, happy anniversary!

ninepoundhammer said...

Happy Anniversary! One day you'll turn around and realise you've been married for 50 years. (At least, that's what they tell me.)

Here's to 49 more great ones (at least)!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! I look forward to hearing about your trip!


Anonymous said...

Man, all of you guys are smart. We should have gotten married in the winter, cause July in Texas is no laughing matter when you are wearing 50 layers of dress.