Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Answer to Prayer

Eric was offered a research assitantship on campus. He will be working on a water conservation project in Lubbock. He will be starting on October 1. There are about one thousand prayers that have been answered with this job. Praise God for his provision for his people. This means that Eric will be able to spend evenings at home with ME!!!! Well, when I am not in class... Anyways, this is an amazing thing. It won't immediately alleviate all of our trials, but it sure does cross quite a few off our list! Thanks for everybody's prayers. They are greatly appreciated.


Joshua Butcher said...

Probably the best birthday present he could have received!

Way to go Eric!

ninepoundhammer said...

Congratulations, Eric! However, I am a bit confused. I don't think there IS any water in Lubbock.