Wednesday, May 28, 2008


A family friend of mine since I was very young and can remember found out today he has a tumor on his pancreas...pardon the spelling. Friday he has some tests to take where he has to drink that weird fluid that colors your insides so they can see them on the screen. Then they are going to send him to Temple another day for a biopsy and whatever else they do. As I am not the family medical knowledge tank, I can't explain much else. All I can say is he has lost lots of weight and can't really eat without it coming back to haunt him. The outlook is uncertain right now without knowing if it is just a bump they can get out, or it could be cancer that will spread, or it could be cancer that has already spread. Prayers are good as is God.


ninepoundhammer said...

I'm praying for him.

Anonymous said...
