Monday, April 27, 2009

Favorite Block Ever

Ok so many of you who are fortunate enough to have talked NBA with me understand my feelings that Jordan is and was the best ever - period.  Also along those lines, some of you may have heard me talk about my favorite block ever which just happens to be by Jordan.  Well, after spending sometime tonight dreaming and watching old videos I actually found a clip of it!!!  It is actually a clip from Sportscenter I think - but it will do!

Oh yeah, and Jordan is playing with a sinus infection in this game...but who cares when you are the best ever and you can turn it on whenever you want???

Check it out:


em said...

i could just put that on repeat...i remember watching that game and my jaw immediately hitting the pretty sure when this happened jordan was 20 years older than the dude he did it to...nasty...

ninepoundhammer said...

I think that you are forgetting the REAL best player of all time: A certain World B. Free.

[Joking Button: Off]

em said...

my favorite part is jordan barking at the kid after the play...just in case he isnt completely demoralized already now he is getting it verbally from the dude twice his age...