Monday, December 10, 2007

Quick Update

Here is a quick update on what is going on:

Theresa: One more final on Tuesday...and then FREEDOM...until next semester. I think I am going to read a book for FUN!

Eric: One more final on Tuesday and then off on a week long bowling trip in Las Vegas. This is why I will have time to read a book.

Helen: GRADUATES on Saturday. WOOHOO! and her husband, Matt, will be returning from Iraq in February! She is going to have a pretty exciting couple fo months. Well...they will actually be pretty hard since she has nothing to do but sit and wait for Matt...but she is pretty excited about doing that, too. If anybody has an entertainment for her let me know (aka baby sitting, cleaning house, walking dogs, etc.) She is super sweet and will be staying with me while Eric is gone. Maybe she will get bored enough to clean my apartment?!?

1 comment:

Helen said...

Yay! I'm on your blog! And I'm definitely up for some quality dog sitting, or house helping or other. Pick me, pick me!